Discovering Canakkale: A Guide to the Top Tourist Attractions

Canakkale clock tower
July 3, 2024

Imbued with a vibrant blend of ancient history and modern charm, Canakkale is a captivating city located on the southern coast of the Dardanelles Strait in northwestern Turkey. With one foot in Europe and the other in Asia, it acts as a geographical and cultural bridge between two continents.


Canakkale is a city where myths come to life; it's the closest major city to the ancient site of Troy - yes, the same Troy of Homer's Iliad and the legendary Trojan Horse. The city is also the gateway to the Gallipoli Peninsula, the site of one of World War I's most significant battles, preserving the memory of a tragic, yet defining, period of global history.


But Canakkale is not just about war and ancient legends. It's a city alive with a bustling waterfront, excellent seafood restaurants, and charming local markets. Surrounding it, you will find idyllic islands like Gokceada and Bozcaada, offering beautiful beaches and vineyards, and the majestic Kaz Daglari (Mount Ida), known for its abundant biodiversity.


Whether you're a history buff, a nature lover, a foodie, or an explorer at heart, Canakkale is a destination that offers a rich and rewarding travel experience. Come to Canakkale, where history and culture are as vibrant as the city itself, promising you an unforgettable Turkish adventure.


1. Ancient City of Troy


The iconic city of Troy, immortalized by Homer’s Iliad, is a mesmerizing sight to behold. As you wander through the ancient ruins that unfold nine different historical eras, it's easy to envision the epic battle of the Trojans and Greeks around the mythical "Troy's Wooden Horse." Visitors here can explore the Roman-era Odeon, walk the ancient streets, and visit the reconstructed city walls.


2. Gallipoli Battlefields


The Gallipoli Battlefields are a solemn reminder of the human cost of war. Standing in the meticulously maintained cemeteries or wandering in the reconstructed trenches, one can almost hear the echo of the WWI battles. The Turkish, Australian, and New Zealand memorials and monuments dotting the landscape add a deeply poignant touch to the "Gallipoli visit."


3. Canakkale Naval Museum


Housed within the historic Cimenlik Castle, the Naval Museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the maritime history of Turkey, particularly the Canakkale sea wars. Here, the exhibits range from salvaged warship parts to personal belongings of the soldiers, painting a vivid picture of Turkey's naval warfare history.


4. Archaeological Museum of Canakkale


The Archaeological Museum is an essential stop for history buffs, showcasing intriguing artifacts from the ancient cities of Assos and Troy. Each exhibit tells a tale of civilizations past, revealing secrets of ancient cultures that once thrived in the region. It's a place where history quite literally comes to life.


5. Assos Ancient City


Also known as Behramkale, Assos is a stunning archaeological site that once served as a major philosophy center. Here, amidst the well-preserved ancient theater, agora, and necropolis, stands the majestic Temple of Athena, offering a breath-taking view of the Aegean Sea.


6. Bozcaada Island


Bozcaada, an idyllic island known for its sandy beaches, vineyards, and crystal-clear waters, offers the perfect escape from the bustling city. Whether you're exploring the imposing Bozcaada Castle, sipping the local wine, or lounging on Ayazma Beach, the island's charm is sure to captivate.


7. Mount Ida (Kaz Daglari)


Home to over 800 plant species, the mythologically significant Mount Ida is a paradise for hikers and nature enthusiasts. Explore its rich flora and fauna, bask in the panoramic views from the peak, and refresh yourself in the cool waters of the numerous streams that crisscross this mountain.


8. Cimenlik Castle (Kale-i Sultaniye)


Built in the 15th century, Cimenlik Castle stands as a testament to Ottoman architectural prowess. As you explore the castle and its grounds, don't miss the impressive collection of cannons on the ramparts and the captivating views of the Dardanelles.


9. Kilitbahir Castle


Across the Dardanelles Strait, Kilitbahir Castle astounds with its unique clover-shaped design. Built by Mehmet the Conqueror, the castle was a strategic stronghold that provides fascinating insights into Ottoman military architecture and history.


10. Gokceada (Imbros)


Turkey's largest island, Gokceada is a tranquil retreat replete with unspoiled beaches, olive groves, and charming old Greek villages. The island's serene environment makes it perfect for those seeking a peaceful "getaway near Canakkale."


11. Adatepe Olive Oil Museum


This unique museum celebrates the cultural and economic importance of olive oil in Turkey. Explore the traditional methods of olive oil production, and don't miss the chance to buy some locally produced olive oil as a souvenir.


12. The Trojan Horse Replica


A popular photo-op spot, the Trojan Horse replica in Canakkale's city center is a must-visit. This towering structure, used in the Hollywood movie Troy, offers an imaginative recreation of the legendary "Trojan Horse."


13. The Helles Memorial


The Helles Memorial serves as a poignant remembrance of the British and Commonwealth servicemen who died in the Gallipoli Campaign. Standing in front of the monument, reading the inscriptions, and looking out at the peaceful surroundings, it's impossible not to feel moved.


14. Dardanos Beach


Unwind after a day of sightseeing at the peaceful Dardanos Beach. With its stunning sunset views, this beach is the perfect place to relax, swim, and reflect on the day's adventures.


15. Canakkale Market


Immerse yourself in local life by visiting Canakkale Market. Here, you can shop for colorful Turkish spices, traditional souvenirs, and delicious Turkish Delights while soaking in the vibrant energy of the marketplace.



From ancient ruins to natural beauty, Canakkale is a city that caters to every traveler's whim. Its mix of culture, history, and food, makes it a must-visit destination in Turkey. As you plan your itinerary and Google "top tourist attractions in Canakkale," remember to take time to wander around the city and soak in its vibrant atmosphere. From sunrise over the Dardanelles to sunset in the Kaz Mountains, Canakkale promises a journey full of memories, making you fall in love with Turkey over and over again.